Friday, July 14, 2006

Life Ain't Always Beautiful

Gosh, I never write in this thing, but I'm crying and I don't even know how else to get my feelings out. Maybe ten minutes ago I was so annoyed at my entire family, because I was in one of those "leave me alone" moods. My mom walks into my room, I whip my head around and yell, "What?!" She walks over, asks me if I remember the little girl that she walks for every year at the Relay For Life, I snap a "No" at her, and she tells me that she's been diagnosed with cancer again and there's nothing the doctors can do. OK, I don't even mean to be thinking about myself at a time like this, but what a way to make a girl feel like shit. My mom's face turns white, and I see her eyes tearing up as she tells me that she was talking to her mom today and she told her that "she and her father were going to take turns sleeping with her before she dies." At which point I can't help but start crying. Not just because an innocent little 5-year-old's life is going to end, but because I was honestly cannot believe that I was annoyed at my family. My family. Something so many people don't even have. At my life. My life. Something that so many people lose. And I take it for granted. Every day. And I just feel like punching myself for being so selfish. You know? God, this little girl deserves more than me, and she's been sick for 4 out of 5 years of her life. And she probably won't even make it to 6. And now I'm bawling. I don't even know why. I just know that I can't stop crying and life isn't fair.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Hundred Dollar Hike

Ughhh, I just woke up after one of the worst nights of my life, and my body is aching. Wondering why my Saturday night sucked so bad? Let me start from the beginning:

Emily and I wanted to go on an adventure, but I was too scared of getting caught at Thornwald, so I suggested we go to the Seven Gates of Hell in Hellam. So we drive down to York, have dinner at Sheetz (they have fries!), and then go to Hellam. The first time we drove past the gates, there was a car there, so we just passed and turned around. The second time, there was this huge, like, Suburban sitting there, but Emily talked me into parking anyway, so we pulled up. The people in the car were probably in their early 20s, and they seemed really happy to see us. Haha. We got out all geared up for our hike, with a camera and a huge bottle of water, and decided to venture into the woods. The girls in the car decided to join us while their boyfriends waited behind, and we all started on our little hike.

To be completely honest, I didn't think we were going to go farther than 10 feet, but with three other people, I was feeling pretty confident, so we just started hiking into the woods. The girls told us that two other people went back about 15 minutes before and said they'd yell when they found the second gate, but they hadn't heard anything. Yes, that settled well. But we kept hiking, climbing over all of these tree trunks, rocks, RIVER BANKS. It was quite the adventure. Finally, we found the other couple, and the girls eventually decided to turn around, as well. But Emily and I decided that we would turn around at 8:15, and it was only about 7:55. So we hike for awhile, and get to this really dark, scary part of the forest. And I'm scared shitless. So around 8:10 we just turn around.

So, now, I'm just praying we get back before dark. So I'm walking pretty fast, and poor Emily's sandal breaks and she has to walk barefoot on one foot. And I'm being pretty demanding. Haha. We keep hearing shit, and I seriously want to cry. So we finally make it back to the part where the other girls turned around, so I think we're pretty close. WRONG. We had been hiking over an hour! We still had awhile to go. At one point I stop and pour water all over myself, and I look like I'm in a wet t-shirt contest. We finally get back to this set of 4 tree trunks, and I'm thinking, "How in the hell am I going to get over this?" since I am so exhausted. So it takes me awhile, but I just roll over all of the trunks. Like real ghetto style. Finally, I see headlights, and then a car pulls over. So I'm scared shitless, and so is Emily, but we decide to keep walking a little. Then I see this huge spotlight on me, and I think my life is about to end, but then this guy yells, "Up here!" So I think its the big car of people. So I'm all relieved, and then I hear some voice on a loudspeaker. DNL!!!!! The cops were up there. TWO cars! And we are in trouble...

So basically, I don't even remember really what happened, because I was delirious and had been seeing mirages for the past hour, but we are getting a fine in the mail. At one point, the cop told me to sit in my car to cool off, and I remember sitting down and going to grab my keys and seeing my hands shaking uncontrollably. It was ridiculous. That hike was so horrible. You have no idea. I almost gave up and just slept in the woods. That's how exhausting it was. And now I have to pay for it. A whopping $120. Yippy.

Saturday, July 08, 2006


So, drive-ins last night. We saw Pirates and Stay Alive. I slept through all of Pirates. Haha. I'm sorry, but I didn't even enjoy the first one, and I needed energy to get through the second movie. Stay Alive was actually pretty good. It had like a bajillion WB actors in it. It was about this video game, and if you die in the video game, you die in real life. The same way you died in the game. And I know that description made it sound really stupid, but it was actually enjoyable. We got out of the drive-ins around 1:15, and on the way home I hit an opossum. :( It was so gross. I hate hitting animals, but it was just sitting in the middle of the road and I tried to get around it, but it was situation in the worst spot. And it made the nastiest sound ever. Ughhhh. I don't even want to think about it.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Big Brother

Tonight was the long-awaited premier of Big Brother. Chelsea and I bought a cake that said "What Up, Kay-Sar?!" on it. It was adorable. We took pictures. They will be on my myspace soon. Haha. Along with the long lost Greece pictures. This is the never ending roll of film.

How did I get off topic? So it was fabulous. Kaysar, Janey, Howie, AND James are in the house. I couldn't be happier. And the two biggest bitches are nominated, Alison and Danielle. They are such idiots. I'm so happy.

So this will be my last entry about BB, because I am creating a Big Brother Blog. Love it? Haha. OK, I'm a loser, but I love it. So shut your ugly mouth if you have a problem with it. Bye bye bitches!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Long Time No Entry

So, it's been awhile. I haven't even been busy, just a Sims 2 junkie. And whenever I get sick of that, I'm pretty much sick of computers all together. But I'm starting to ween off that (it really is a drug), so I'm getting back to normal. Let's see, where shall I begin?

My dad finally started his new job at Sygma, which he seems to love. I am so happy for him to be back to normal. And us, too. Although, I was really loving the UPS logos, and thought about buying a shirt. Haha. His catalogs sold them for $2! Everything was crazy cheap. Anyway, I'm sure we'll be getting a ton of free food from Sygma, so you give and you take. ;)

I can't believe July is here already. Even though June felt like forever. So I don't really know what I'm talking about. It's always shocking when the Fourth of July comes around. I went to a family picnic yesterday, and Chelsea and I peaces out early. It's becoming harder and harder to even make appearances. Haha. At least we showed up!

Anyway, I need to finish cleaning up the house (I have the messiest parents), and then probably go...SHOPPING! Toodles.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I got my laptop today!! I actually missed the UPS guy this morning when I left to get gas, but my wonderful father stopped at the building to pick it up for me on his way home from work. It is so pimp and I am in love with it. It has Windows XP 2006, which is obviously better than the outdated version on our house computer, so there's all these cool programs that I'm not used to. Anyway, I need to do more computery things with my brand new laptop, so I must be going. ;)

Monday, June 26, 2006

A Prairie Home Companion

So, last night my sister and I went out to the movies and saw A Prairie Home Companion. And surprisingly, I loved it. It was very "Best In Show"-esque. Like the cast could make more movies off of it. It was funny, but not in an obvious way. Meaning, those people that are obsessed with movies like the Austin Powers trilogy would never enjoy it. It would go straight over their heads. Anyway, it made me realize that Meryl Streep is such a great actress. She can play any role. She was so hilarious in this movie.

When we got home I realized it was officially Monday, and that was when I could start scheduling for classes at McDaniel, so I just decided to do it then. I didn't think it would be that hard. I thought I would just say what I wanted and they'd pick them all out for me. But it was quite complicated. After about 45 minutes, I got this crazy schedule that is going to kill me. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I have my communications class from 8:00 am to 9:00 am! Gah, it'll be just like high school. And Wednesdays are, like, my super school day, where I have three different classes non-stop from 8:00 am to 1:40 pm. But at least all of my classes on any given day of the week end by 4:30 pm. I am taking Interpersonal Communications, Finite Mathematics, Intro to College Writing, and Journalism in the 21st Century. I think I will love all of them but the Math class.